Student Counselling Office


Student Counselling Office

Monday to Wednesday, from 09:00 to 13:30 and from 15:00 to 18:00. Thursday and Friday, from 07:30 to 15:00.
By pre-arranged appointment

Closed: August and non-teaching days at Christmas and Easter
Office: Admissions


All students enrolled at University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) who need individual guidance and graduates from previous years who would like information about courses, materials, ideas, decision making, etc.


In 1998, the leadership team of University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG), at that time known as Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio, introduced the pioneering idea of creating a Student Counselling Service to educate future teachers not only at an academic level but also integrally, by assisting students individually with personal and academic matters that go beyond the role of their teachers and tutors.

At the present time, the University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) Student Counselling Office constitutes a service offering individual or group-based care to meet the needs of our students and thereby provide students with a comprehensive learning experience.

General objectives

With regard to users:

    • Help the students at University College Alberta Giménez be people who are emotionally balanced, who deal with stress efficiently, who realise through experience that continued effort leads to them achieving success in their learning outcomes.
    • Encourage them, in addition, to become future professionals who are able to make use of all their positive internal resources for excellence and personal growth, not only for themselves but also for others (future educators with their pupils and future communicators with society through the media).

Specific objectives

With regard to users:

  • Mastery of study techniques and motivation techniques for learning.
  • Managing their emotions and coping with stress towards exams and problems in life.
  • Positive thinking in order to tackle their courses and their lives with self-confidence.
  • Overcoming conflicts and problems in their lives, whether interpersonal or intrapersonal.
  • Guidance for vital decision making.
  • Comprehensive maturing of their personality.


  • Individual action is carried out through personal and confidential consultations arranged through appointments, by email, at the request of the student and makes it possible to monitor their personal and academic development.
  • Advice is provided on techniques for conceptual work, methodology for studying at university, exam preparation, improving academic performance, guidance in choosing subjects, taking targets into consideration and organising your time, among other areas.
  • In addition, the student’s own internal resources are fostered to help them cope with anxiety and stress, overcome relationship problems, speak in public, improve their self-esteem and cope with negative circumstances (death, separation, illness, mild depression, phobia, etc.), in short, to help them address the problems that come up in the lives of university students and could hinder them from performing well academically and excelling at a personal level.

Would you like more information?

Marta Ruiz

Office: Admissions