Sports Science
Eight routes to enable you to stand out
Our placement method for training the best sports and fitness coaches
1. The best and most varied range of placements
We have more than 80 agreements in place with the best establishments and organisations for each of the areas covered in the degree: sports management (Consell de Mallorca, CTEIB, Govern, town councils, etc.); teaching (at private and semi-private schools); sports training (RCD Mallorca, CD Atlético Baleares, sports federations); and the area of health and fitness,at facilities specialising in sports rehabilitation such as Fisioplanet and Fisiotur Fisioterapia.
2. High employability rate
Many of the companies where the placements take place end up hiring our students.
3. You can choose
Each student chooses three options from three different areas. If there are more applicants than places on offer at a company, the process will take into account who has achieved the highest marks.
4. High degree of satisfaction among companies
The tutors based at the companies who rate and monitor our students’ training give them an average score of 9.5.
5. Constantly improving
We contact the companies and establishments where our students have had placements to see what we can improve.
6. In two academic years
375 hours at companies, split between two academic years. In the third year of the course, placements start in the second semester. We leave you two days free in your schedule to do them. In the fourth year, they take place from October to March. We also give you two days in the weekly schedule so that you can easily combine your placement with your other subjects.
7. Open to new agreements
Are you a student and have new companies in mind where you would like to do a placement? As a company, would you like to have our students? We are open to broadening our selection.
8. Extracurricular placement programme
In July and August, for any third and fourth year students who are interested. These are voluntary.
All the documentation that governs your course placements for Sports Science
Framework agreement with companies for placements
How our placements are rated
Survey 2020-2021 academic year
Survey 2020-2021 academic year
Survey 2020-2021 academic year