Audiovisual Service

Opening hours

Audiovisual Service

Monday and Thursday from 15:00 to 17:00 and Wednesday from 16:00 to 17:00 (loans of material)
Closed: August and non-teaching days at Christmas and Easter
Essential to book online in advance, both for loans of equipment and for facility bookings

What do we offer?

The Audiovisual Service manages loans to students of cameras, tripods, recorders and all you need for audiovisual productions. It is also your gateway to the brand new and innovative mediaLAB, the new multichannel editing and recording space (inaugurated in the 2022-2023 academic year) which is accessible to all our students and teaching staff. We have:

– two versatile studios (to use for radio, television, streamed broadcasts, etc.).
– seven remote-controlled robotic cameras
– a video control room
– an audio control room

Our team

Paco Ballester

Technician for the Audiovisual Service. Managing the service involving lending to students

Iker Olabe

PhD in Audiovisual Communication
Director of the Communications Department of University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG)