ANECA programmes

Our model

Following the guidelines provided by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), University College Alberta Giménez participates in the following programmes run by the national agency for external quality assurance in the Spanish higher education system (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación, or ANECA) to improve the selection of academic courses we offer, our teaching and our services

Institutional Appraisal

    The purpose of this programme is to encourage and promote the development and implementation of internal quality assurance systems within Spanish universities and to put into practice a procedure that leads to the recognition and certification of said systems. The AUDIT programme is undertaken in three clearly defined stages:
  1. Guidance on the design of the SGIC (Internal Quality Assurance System)
  2. Certification of the design of the SGIC
  3. Certification of the implemented SGIC.

Evaluation of Qualifications

    El programa VERIFICA evalúa las propuestas de los planes de estudio diseñados en consonancia con el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. All our Bachelor’s degree programmes have been adapted to EHEA requirements and respond both to social needs and to criteria that guarantee quality education.
    The MONITOR programme tracks official degree programmes to verify appropriate delivery and results. Universities on this programme are regularly provided with an external evaluation of how each of their courses is taught, in order for such evaluations to become yet another tool for achieving improvements.
    The ACREDITA programme performs evaluations for the renewal of initial accreditation of official degrees. The main purpose of this process is to check that appropriate results are being achieved and enable due continuation of the programme to be guaranteed until the next time accreditation is renewed.
    The process of renewing accreditation is divided into three stages:
  1. Self-assessment
    The centre describes and evaluates the status of the degree programme using a set of pre-established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-assessment Report.
  2. Site visit
    A group of external reviewers (panel of experts), appointed by ANECA, analyses the Self-assessment Report and makes a visit to the centre. This phase results in the Visit Report.
  3. Evaluation by the accreditation committee
    The ANECA Accreditation Committee issues the final evaluation reports for the renewal of the accreditation


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Teaching quality assurance

  • PEP
    ANECA’s assessment programme for hiring teaching staff (known as PEP) evaluates teaching and research activities, and the academic background of applicants for the position of university teacher employed on a contractual basis – contracted teacher (with PhD), assistant lecturer (with PhD) and private university teacher – as established in Spanish legislation (Organic Law on Modification of the Organic Law on Universities, known as LOMLOU).
    The national accreditation programme for access to university faculty posts (ACADEMIA) evaluates the profile of candidates applying to join the team of tenured university teachers with civil servant status (Senior University Lecturers and University Professors)
    In addition to ANECA, in the Balearic Islands the Agència de Qualitat Universitària de les Illes Balears (AQUIB) also performs the role of assessing and accrediting university teachers.

More information and supporting guidelines