Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism

Applicant and Graduate Profiles. Career and Academic Opportunities

Applicant profile

Students who start the course should be strongly motivated to learn about the society surrounding them and keen to tell others about it. Journalism means understanding the world and explaining it to others, giving them the keys which explain things.

Future Journalism students must have a vocation for communicating, for explaining how the world is, for current affairs, for the economy, politics, the judiciary, sport and art, culture and science. They must recognise that society needs the truth for decision making and that this truth has to be supplied by journalism. They must be concerned with constructing attractive and thought-provoking messages that capture society’s attention and that therefore must be properly structured and presented.

Graduate profile

The graduate profile of the Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Science is determined by the acquisition of all the general and specific skills described in the officially approved course plan for the degree. These include:

  1. Creating the ideal content using the different languages, genres, formats and specialisations inherent in journalism, as well the various analogical and digital media.
  2. Knowing the structure, operation and management methods of media companies.
  3. Working as professionals in a communication agency, in customer relations and as head of the communications area of an organisation or enterprise.
  4. Knowing and applying the leading theories and discussions about publicity, public relations and corporate communication and knowing how to execute communication plans and to define and manage communication budgets so as to conduct good allocation of costs.
  5. Assuming leadership and acting freely and responsibly, assimilating ethical benchmarks, values and principles that are consistent with identifying, analysing, handling and resolving conflicts arising in the communication system.

Career opportunities

The Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism equips students to be professionals who can join the labour market and perform duties in accordance with the following profiles:

  • Writer of journalistic information in any type of media: creating journalistic content in any media format, whether traditional or electronic; and designing, writing and executing scripts for audiovisual or multimedia reports and documentaries as writer, reporter, photojournalist, correspondent, presenter or director.
  • Institutional and business press or communication writer or officer: coordination or execution of any work of an informative or communicative nature as a member of a press and/or communication office or department of public or private institutions, associations and NGOs, as well as managing corporate image.
  • Researcher, teacher and communication consultant: research and analysis of communication processes and phenomena for all types of public and private organisations, advisory, consulting and mediation services, and teaching at secondary and tertiary level on subjects regarding communication and new communication and information technologies.
  • Manager, creator and editor of content: writing and executing editorial tasks in general for publishing companies or enterprises creating cultural and informational productions.
  • Webmaster: processing, managing and editing of all types of content on Internet portals.
  • Community Manager: creating, managing, galvanising and administrating online communications around a brand on the Internet.
  • Strategy Manager: defining, creating and implementing business communication strategic plans.

Academic opportunities

Having a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism opens up the possibility for graduates to enter postgraduate, Master’s and Doctorate programmes relating to journalism, as well as to social and juridical sciences and humanities.

University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) offers Journalism students the chance to undertake extracurricular placements at companies during their course. These placements represent an excellent opportunity for students to apply their academic knowledge in a professional environment and for such companies to get to know them.

What do I need to do to find work in Communication?

Series of career guidance talks with Dr Javier Mato Veiga. Starting: 21 November at 15:00 in the Events Room.