
Opening hours

University College Alberta Giménez Library

Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 15:30. Closed from 14:00 to 14:30 (1-10 September).
Closed: August and non-teaching days at Christmas and Easter

What do we offer?

Students, alumni and teachers have access to a large collection of books, periodicals and audiovisual materials related to their areas of study. The University College Alberta Giménez library is a reference point for finding the texts students must read as their basic bibliography under the teaching guides for all the respective degree subjects. The library has individual spaces for reading and studying, plus 10 rooms for group work, which can be booked online.


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In summary



Loan period: 15 days (renewable)



60 days (for items belonging to CESAG)



Loan period: 15 days (renewable)



Books and periodicals






How do I take books out of the library?

The library does not provide physical library cards. All new students or teachers at University College Alberta Giménez become registered at the library when they use our services for the first time. They must identify themselves through their student cards and/or identity document. All new users receive a registration email containing their preliminary password, which they can change later.

In March 2023, we began migrating our catalogue to a new environment belonging to Comillas Pontifical University. Users must accept the new privacy terms (see information).

User guide

Our new catalogue has been integrated into the Comillas Pontifical University library system. It is designed so that students can access our collection through their computer and reserve items online.

Users can find out whether the book is here and whether it is available by consulting our catalogue.

How do I look for a book through the online catalogue?

  1. Go to the online catalogue.
  2. Perform your search. If there are any books that interest you, you can submit a loan request via the website, identifying yourself through your user details (if you are unsure what they are, please ask at the library).
  3. Two days before you are due to return the item, you will receive an alert by email and will be offered the opportunity to ask online to renew the loan.


    Donations to the library
    The Library Service reserves the right to refuse to accept library materials donated by either institutions or individuals, taking into account the interest and usefulness of such materials for the library and its users.

    The Library Service shall decide the location, use and final fate of the donated material in accordance with its general policy on organising the collection.

    Donations of library materials shall generally be accepted with no conditions of any type imposed by the individual or institution making the donation, unless specifically agreed by the parties.

    Preference is given to materials that are linked to the courses taught at the college.

    No books or documents which are torn, dirty, damaged, damp, poorly bound or, in general, in poor condition shall be accepted.

    As a general rule, the Library does not accept duplicate documents or documents that are already part of the Library’s collection.

    The Library does not accept:

    • Encyclopedias and dictionaries.
    • Annuals, statistics or directories.
    • Audiovisual documents in obsolete formats, VHS videos, cassettes.
    • Reproductions, photocopies or recorded copies of audiovisual materials.

    Download Policy on Donations

    Book presentations in the library

    Service offered to students, alumni or University College Alberta Giménez personnel who are the authors of a book, essay, article or audiovisual content and intend to make it public.

    How do I request this service?

    1. The interested party must deliver to us a copy to us of the work that he/she wishes to make public and communicate the preferred dates for its presentation (providing at least 20 days prior notice)
    2. The suitability of the dates and the content to be presented will be assessed.

    Who can attend the presentation?

    1. It can be attended by members of the university community and people outside it. Those from outside the university community must inform the library by email that they will be attending prior to doing so.
    2. Although it is not compulsory, it is advisable for anyone who is particularly interested in attending to reserve a place in advance.

    Cost of the service

    In principle, it is free of charge. However, if the interested party wishes the library to publicise the event (posters, banners, leaflets, the college’s social media, etc.) he/she must pay the amount of ____ .
    Furthermore, there will be a cost of ____ in catering fees (coffee/glass of wine) if this option is chosen.

    What is a presentation like?

    The duration of a presentation will be a maximum of one hour. The interested party may include one person or up to several people to help with the presentation. It will end with a question and answer session.

    Other aspects

    Although it is not necessary for students, alumni and college personnel to confirm they will be attending, it is important to bear in mind that the maximum capacity of the library is ________ .
    The library staff reserve the right to limit access in order to prevent that capacity from being exceeded. In this respect, it is advisable for anyone who is particularly interested in attending to reserve a place in advance.

    New! The Interlibrary Loan Service


    The Document Access/Interlibrary Loan Service enables you to request loans of original materials and reproductions of documents that are not part of the college library’s collection.

    This service is available to teaching and research staff and to dissertation students who have been authorised by the teaching and research staff.

    The set procedure is as follows:
    REQUESTS: each document must be requested individually and all the bibliographic details possible must be provided to enable it to be identified (author, title, city of publication, publisher, year, pages, ISBN, ISSN, etc.). The request must be sent to the email address [email protected].

    Prior to requesting any documents, the library’s catalogue must be checked first to see whether they are already in our collection.


    The following materials are excluded from this type of loan:

    • Items dating from before 1990.
    • Copies of reference works (encyclopedias, dictionaries, catalogues, bibliographies, atlases and similar items).
    • New works or documents in great demand in the library providing the item.
    • Rare and valuable items, as well as any that are out of print and hard to replace.
    • Maps, prints, musical scores, theses and any documents that the library deems should be excluded.

    The fees applicable to the service are determined by the Network of Spanish University Libraries (Rebiun).


    Request for authorisation to access the interlibrary loan service
    Request for documents (books or chapters)

    The cafeteria book swap

    This year, the Library has organised a book swapping point in the University College Alberta Giménez cafeteria, where you can go to see if there are any books that interest you and leave any of your own. There’s always something of interest!