Fees and grants at University College Alberta Giménez

Our goal: for you to have the best education

We are a non-profit private educational institution. We receive no subsidies of any type and therefore our students pay for the cost of their education. This particular characteristic of our institution means that all income from enrolment fees, tuition fees and university fees is reinvested in maintaining and improving our services. Our end goal is not for us to make a profit but for you to receive the best education.

What is paid and when

1. Admission fee

This is paid once, when you carry out pre-registration, as of February, when you apply for admission into one of our Bachelor’s degrees or dual degree programmes. Admission fee for the 2023-2024 academic year: €60. It can be paid through our online payment platform or by bank transfer

2. Enrolment

You pay this sum in a single payment, in July or September, and it varies depending on the number of credits you enrol for. It is paid by card or by bank transfer

3. Initial tuition fee

This is the first payment for the tuition fees. It is equivalent to two monthly instalments, to which is added the payment for the university fees for the academic year (€114). It is paid in a single payment in July or September, at the same time as when you enrol. Payment methods? By card or by bank transfer, as with the enrolment fee

4. Monthly instalments

From November to June, in eight instalments. You will be charged monthly from the current account you have designated. The amount you pay in tuition fees varies depending on the number of credits you have enrolled for. In November and December, the tuition fee will be paidin the second two weeks of the month . From January to June, in the first two weeks

Grants and financial aid

One in every five students on our Bachelor’s degree programmes obtains the general grant from the Ministry of Education. University College Alberta Giménez also supports its students, as from the second year of their course, through two financial aid schemes: its collaboration grants (with discounts on the instalments due of between €700 and €1,900 per academic year) and grants for excellence, which represent a 20% reduction in tuition fees if the students meet the requirements. There are more aid schemes from public and private organisations which our students can opt for.


University College Alberta Giménez students with grants from the Ministry (data for 2020-2021 academic year)


Maximum discount in collaboration grants

Grants and aid available to you

Financing through SeQura

You can also postpone and finance the cost of enrolment and tuition fees by the split payment loan-based product from SeQura, the leading agency for deferred-payment services for e-commerce, which is processed flexibly (online and by mobile phone) with repayment by credit card.

You can apply for this service through the financing application form. The person who will be paying the tuition fees receives a text message (SMS) with the link and the details of the loan offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I enrol for the fourth year of my course, do I have to pay the Fourth Enrolment fee prices?

Noooooo! The price scale for second, third and fourth enrolment only applies when you repeat a subject. If you repeat for the first time, when you enrol again for the subject you will pay the fees for second-time enrolment. That subject still giving you trouble? Then you will pay the third-time enrolment fee. Re-sitting it for your fourth attempt? That is when the fees corresponding to fourth-time enrolment will apply

Can I change the account from which I pay the monthly instalments?
Yes, any time, by contacting Administration at University College Alberta Giménez. Remember that during the enrolment process each year, in July or September, you will have given a specific current account that the monthly tuition fees will be charged to