2023-2024 academic year

Initial Enrolment

Open from 10 to 27 July and from 5 to 22 September 2023

Book an appointment

To hand in documentation to the Secretary’s Office

Online enrolment

Access the form

Your initial enrolment, in three steps


Enrol via the university’s website within the set time limits: from 10 to 27 July (both inclusive)/ from 5 to 22 September (both inclusive). In September, online enrolment will be active from 5 September at 08:00 until 22 September at 20:00


Pay the sum shown as the “amount” of your enrolment, the tuition fee and university fees within the set time limits. You can pay via POS terminal (card) or transfer (automated payment)


Submit all the required documentation in person in the established way and within the set time limits. Make an appointment with the Secretary’s Office through the form (you will not be seen without an appointment)

Formalisation of enrolment

Step 1. Enrolling

You must access the link “Online enrolment” and then you must provide your username (academic code) and password, and provide the information the system requests from you at each stage.

When the computer has confirmed that all the required steps for enrolment have been completed and a message has appeared on the screen confirming enrolment (“Your enrolment has been accepted”) you must print the pdf that is generated with the copies of the documentation for enrolment, tuition fees, the SEPA document authorising the direct debit for fees (1) and enrolment information clause adapted to the GDPR.

[1] If, after you have formalised your enrolment, you wish to modify the account IBAN number you had designated for payment during the academic year of direct debits of the monthly instalments, you must contact Administration at University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) at[email protected]

Step 2. How to pay

Payment (2) of the enrolment cost amount may be made by means of:
1) A SINGLE CARD PAYMENT (POS terminal). made directly when enrolling online. The payment amount includes the enrolment fees, the initial tuition fee and university fees.

If you make the payment by card, your enrolment will be automatically submitted online. To confirm its submission, you must provide the unique code that will have been sent to your mobile telephone number (the mobile telephone number you indicated when requesting admission). Next, you must hand in to the Secretary’s Office at University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) all the documentation required in the section “Documentation to be presented to formalise enrolment depending on the access route for each student”.

-2) BY MEANS OF TWO PAYMENTS/BANK TRANSFERS, having selected the payment option of AUTOMATED
PAYMENT OF ENROLMENT: Payment or bank transfer to IBAN ES39 0081 0486 5400 0117 7620 (BANCO SABADELL). Indicate in the payment description “MAT + name and surname(s) of the student”.
PAYMENT OF INITIAL TUITION FEES + UNIVERSITY FEES: Payment or bank transfer to IBAN ES31 0081 0486 5500 0117 7521 (BANCO SABADELL). Indicate in the payment description “Initial tuition + academic fees + name and surname(s) of the student”.

If you choose to pay by means of bank transfer, you will have to submit the enrolment form and the tuition fee document, duly signed, and the payment slips for the bank transfers in person at the Secretary’s Office at University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG), together with the rest of the documentation indicated in section “Documentation to be presented to formalise enrolment depending on the access route for each student”.

[2] Payment of the enrolment amount consolidates the student’s entitlement to a place on the corresponding programme. The subsequent cancelation of enrolment does not give any entitlement to a refund of this amount except in the cases specified in article 89.3 e) of the University’s General Regulations

Documentation to be presented depending on the access route

The student must personally submit all the documentation which is indicated for that access route. Documents already submitted in other procedures, such as the pre-registration process, are not suitable for the enrolment procedure.

University entrance examinations (EBAU, PAU and previous entrance tests)

Advanced diploma in vocational studies (Técnico Superior F.P.) and in artistic education or advanced diploma in sports-based vocational education

Entrance examinations for adults aged over 25 years

University Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent

Students who have completed their university courses partially, whether in Spain or abroad, or those who have completed their university courses abroad and have not obtained official academic recognition in Spain of their academic qualifications. In this case, it shall be an essential requirement that the corresponding university has recognised at least 30 ECTS

Students from European Union member states or other countries with which Spain has entered into international agreements

Educational qualifications completed abroad pending recognition as equivalent to Spanish Baccalaureate level

Access for adults over 40 years old with accreditation of working or professional experience

Main points


Enrolment will take full effect when all the required documentation has been submitted within the established time limits.


The student must PERSONALLY submit the enrolment forms along with the rest of the documentation, at the SECRETARY’S OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ALBERTA GIMÉNEZ (CESAG), Costa de Saragossa 16, PALMA DE MALLORCA, 07013.


The enrolment documentation must be submitted at an appointment with the office, which must be requested by using the ONLINE APPOINTMENT BOOKING SYSTEM FOR THE SECRETARY’S OFFICE (click on this link or on the button in the side column). On the day of the appointment, only the person (unaccompanied) wishing to be enrolled will be able to visit the Secretary’s Office (ANYONE WHO DOES NOT HAVE AN APPOINTMENT WILL NOT BE ATTENDED).


All the documentation must be submitted as soon as possible once enrolment has been completed within the established periods (July/September) in the “ONLINE APPOINTMENT BOOKING SYSTEM.


Credit recognition application procedure

If the interested party wishes and it is necessary in accordance with the rules of the Comillas Pontifical University, the corresponding application for credit recognition can be made. In this respect, the following must be taken into account:

· Just one application for recognition must be submitted when completing initial enrolment on the corresponding course, including in one single application all prior academic studies. All the documents indicated in such application must be attached to it.

· Any applications for recognition will accrue the financial fees, payable to the University, laid down by the Governing Board for opening and conducting the process.

· Students must enrol in all the modules corresponding to the academic year onto which they have been accepted, without prejudice to any adjustments that may be necessary once the academic recognition procedure has concluded.

· With regard to modules to be studied in year two and beyond, the validity of any recognition will be conditional upon the student fulfilling the academic rules’ requirements governing enrolment in modules for the corresponding academic year and will only be put into effect, if appropriate, following enrolment in the corresponding module.

Section 1. Duly completed and signed application

Section 2. Original or certified photocopy of complete academic certificates

Section 3. Copy of the curriculum or reference of publication in the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE)

Section 4. Curriculum for the modules,bearing the seal of the University where the student completed the modules

Credit recognition tables by degree

Academic Insurance

Students under 28 years old are insured under the Social Security academic insurance system.

Students aged 28 years old or older will be insured against possible accidents through the insurance policy taken out by University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) with insurer UMAS, for their courses. In both cases, the cost of the academic insurance is included as part of the payment of the academic fees.

Interested students can obtain more information from the Administrative Services of University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG).

Other useful information

In accordance with the academic calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year, the academic year will start on 12 September 2023.

The legal relationship of the student with Comillas Pontifical University will be governed by the corresponding articles of the University’s General Regulations, available through the following link:

Once students have completed enrolment, if it is the first time they have studied at our University an institutional email account will be created for them which will be used for communications which must be carried out by email. For more information, please go to the section on electronic communications (“Comunicaciones electrónicas “), through the following link www.stic.comillas.edu/es/serviciostic.

What if I have any queries about enrolment?

Secretary’s Office, University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG)

Opening hours, 1-10 September 2023:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 09:00 to 13:30.