Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies

Applicant and Graduate Profiles. Career and Academic Opportunities

Applicant profile

Media Studies is the ideal degree for talented students who are interested on and curious about the phenomenon of communication in its multiple facets. The degree at University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) offers tools for analysis, management and innovation in the areas of personal communication, the media and the creative industries in general. Students will ideally demonstrate determination and a willingness to learn and contribute to a flexible, innovative and constantly changing environment which is facing considerable challenges.

The curriculum for the Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies at University College Alberta Giménez offers a multi-disciplinary and updated approach to different areas of communication, ranging from audience research to film theory, from video games to digital culture. It will foster critical spirit, creativity and teamwork, and will encourages spaces for debate with academia and the professional world so that students can maintain a close link to the professional and research spheres.

Graduate profile

The graduate profile of the Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies is determined by the acquisition of all the general and specific skills described in the officially approved course plan for the degree. These include:

  1. Planning and managing human, economic and technical resources efficiently in producing film, television, video, radio or multimedia content, adapting them to the different audiovisual genres.
  2. Applying image composition techniques and procedures to different audiovisual formats.
  3. Applying different techniques to compose texts, plot outlines and scripts for film, television, video, radio or multimedia fiction.
  4. Analysing audiovisual reports, in accordance with the basic parameters for analysis of audiovisual works.
  5. Understanding the structures, content and styles of audiovisual industries as well as the different variables that influence their configuration and processes.
  6. Performing the technical organisation of the sound and audiovisual materials in accordance with an idea, using the necessary narrative and technological techniques for the preparation, composition, finishing and mastering of different audiovisual and multimedia products.

Career opportunities

The Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies equips students to be professionals who can join the labour market and perform duties in accordance with the following profiles:

  • Director, scriptwriter and audiovisual producer: creation of scripts and direction-production in the different audiovisual media; and production of a project, with a work plan and a budget.
  • Audiovisual producer and manager: design, planning and organisation of human, technical and budgetary resources for the production of audiovisual works; creation, acquisition of rights, development and commercialisation of projects; direction and management of audiovisual communication and multimedia companies.
  • Visual and audio designer for production and post-production: design of all the aspects linked to sound, image and graphics in the different phases of audiovisual production and creation of productions geared towards the Internet, video games and digital environments.
  • Researcher, teacher and expert in visual studies: research and analysis of audiovisual communication phenomena and processes, analysis of policies and economics relating to the audiovisual sector on a national and global scale; and teacher at secondary and tertiary level on subjects regarding communication and new information and communication technologies.

Academic opportunities

Having a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies opens up the possibility for graduates to enter postgraduate, Master’s and Doctorate programmes relating to audiovisual communication, as well as to social and juridical sciences and humanities.

University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) offers Media Studies students the chance to undertake extracurricular placements in companies during their course. These placements represent an excellent opportunity for students to apply their academic knowledge in a professional environment and for such companies to get to know them.

What do I need to do to find work in Communication?

Series of career guidance talks with Dr Javier Mato Veiga. Starting: 21 November at 15:00 in the Events Room.