
Programme to support and assist exchange students

What does it involve?

If you are passionate about your university and want to get to know other cultures, you’ll be interested in the International Relations Office’s Host Programme (Programa Anfitrión). The aim of the programme is to put international students or students from other Spanish universities in touch with students at University College Alberta Giménez (Hosts) to offer them a friendly face during their stay at the college and to guide and help them adapt to life in Mallorca and their new university.

Who can take part?

The programme is aimed at all University College Alberta Giménez students in at least the second year of their degree, regardless of the degree course they are doing:

      • Who want to have an cultural exchange experience and to meet students from other universities or of other nationalities.
      • Who want to participate in a project to integrate people into a new environment and have the time to devote themselves to the programme and to the students they have been paired with.

What does being a Host entail?

Host students must:

      • Contact the exchange student assigned to them in the months leading up to the student’s visit in order to introduce themselves and offer them advice about life in Mallorca and at University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG).
      • Accompany the exchange student and participate with them in the first welcome meeting at the International Relations Office.
      • Have regular informal meet-ups to provide support to the exchange student.
      • Keep a record of dates, tasks and time invested in the programme.

How can I participate?

      • Complete the registration form.
      • Once we have received your application, the International Relations Office will take a look at the information so as to assign you an exchange student under the buddy system, depending on the degree course being studied, languages, attainment levels and motivation.
      • After the pairings have been assigned, both participants (host student and visiting student) will receive an email with the name and email address of their buddy so that they can get into contact with each other.


Are you interested?

Everything you need to know arrow_forward

Detailed explanation of what the Host Programme is looking for

Be a Host arrow_forward

Online registration form

Request a Host arrow_forward

Online form for exchange students who are visiting University College Alberta Giménez

Would you like more information?

Loreto Gútiez

Office: 18
Opening hours:
Monday, from 13:00 to 15:00
Thursday, from 11:00 to 15:00
International Relations Office